Carbon Reduction Journey

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Today climate change is one of the biggest challenges that the whole world is facing with and therefore it has been identified as one of our most important issues. The effects of climate change have the potential to threaten our own business operations, our suppliers’ businesses as well as our supply chains. In 2022, we have engaged in an initiative named The Zero Carbon Project (TZCP) launched by our strategic customer Schneider Electric as an effort to mitigate environmental impacts by reducing GHG emissions in our operations.


We have used the data for the year 2016 as our baseline for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions.

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(*) Scope 3 emissions are not included in our measurements

In 2022 we have managed to reduce our CO2e intensity (per unit of revenue) by 59% against base year 2016. 


To continue our progress to decrease our carbon emissions, we aim to reduce our intensity of GHG emissions Scope

1 and 2 per million US$ sales revenue by 90% compared to baseline 2016 by 2025.

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  • Perform energy consumption analysis per activity, equipment category, thus having appropriate action to enhance energy efficiency. Emissions associated with the consumption of purchased electricity is therefore decreased significantly.
  • Electrifying program: replace fossil fuel-use machinery by investing in more energy efficient process equipment in our operations.
  • Energy source: gradually switching to using renewable energy (solar electricity) in our operations.
  • Continuing internal communications about the importance of the Carbon reduction project and engaging ways to encourage employees to commit to making changes.